My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalms 73:26

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home Improvement


So, now that we actually can, we are doing some home improvement.

Our first project would be the door into the laundry room. I am telling you, the people who built this house had no idea how to use a level.

The door swung backwards, into the laundry room, making it near impossible to turn on the light, or even get around. So my dearest hubby sets that project into motion.

First my husband takes the door off, then the molding, and realizes the door frame is about an inch shorter on one side than the other. This door always hung wrong, as well as a couple other door, making them impossible to latch.

So now, he's off to Lowes to get what he needs to fix it. We have found several little things like that.... and they were supposed to be professionals.

We'll see how much longer before he is done.... but deep inside, I know he enjoys it!!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on Dale

My in-laws have a grandson, Dale. The reason I call him my in-laws grandson and not our nephew, is because we do not claim his father, who has spent the most part of his 41 years as a thief, a liar, an addict, and all around ass.

Dale, his son, didn’t fall far from the tree, even though he was removed from the home and adopted by a cousin (or something like that)

Dale stole pain killers from his mother-in-law and the police were called. He has to go to court about that in March, but couldn’t stay with his wife, as she lives at home. So off to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.

Well, he has run up the phone bill, makes a mess, and makes a general nuisance of himself, oh and did I mention, stole $3000 from them!?

Oh and try to sell other a compressor that didn’t belong to him?

But, oh, they so wanted to believe him when he said he wouldn’t do it again, but after some haranguing from family, the police finally were able to get the evidence to arrest him and now he sits in jail.

Tonight, we sleep better knowing he isn’t staying in the house that sits in the middle of no where.

Let it rain!

OK God.... I know You are up to something, I know You will be here throughout everything, but wow! How much more?

Bring it on! Let it rain! Let it Rain, Let Your love rain down on me! Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain, rain, rain!!!

I KNOW all will be good in the end!

I am dancing in this rain You are sending down.

step 1: seizure
step 2: Alissa's breakdown
step 3: Dale stealing fromMom and Dad
step 4: ?

I will waltz in the rain!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rain dancing!

You know, sometimes it feels like it's raining cats and dogs. I mean there are times I feel as if I'm dodging German Shepherds and Persian cats trying to make it through without too many bites and scratches.

This past about 5 days has been like that. It started out with my son finding out one of his friends, who was a DOD civilian was coming home from Iraq and got killed by a drunk driver.

Then I was feeling a little 'off' and ended my day in a seizure. Never had one of those before, so yes, brand new info for me. It was definitely a strange sensation.... Thank GOD Gayle was here. The horrible thing is my whole family got to see it.

Then my daughter came home after having a hysterical fit at school. She's been having more and more meltdowns. I think she's bipolar. It would not surprise me. I have one sister who is diagnosed bipolar and another who really should be. She goes to see a counselor on Friday.

I guess it's going to be raining for awhile. I can be thankful that I have a great God and instead off wallowing in the mud,
I'm going to


Sunday, February 22, 2009

OK here it is

I am just going to have to say the words. Hard as it is, as much as I don't want to, as much as I HATE that "Oh I feel so sorry for you look" I will have to say the words.

I had a seizure

Now I'm forgetting names of people I love dearly, friends I have known for a long time. It's not completely forgotten, I can dig them up, but it is just harder than it used to be.

The seizure was caused by lack of oxygen for about 10 seconds. What a strange feeling. I remember trying to breathe - actually thinking "force yourself to breathe, Vicki" and then saying "help me"
I remember right before, and seconds after.

We think it's a one time event, but only time will tell.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

OOOOPS they did it again!

Over the past 10 years or so, my sister has been doing genealogy and has found out some interesting tidbits!

The man my Dad said was his father DIED 4 years before he was BORN. He was actually the illegitimate son of a German/Russian (ie German living in Russia.) Oh, and he and his sister are the only two of the siblings that are fully biologically related. Granny had, let me see, 1,2,3,4, yes 4 husbands and then this lover that fathered my Dad and Auntie.

Mom, we knew was raised by someone other than her biological father, a man we all knew and loved as Grandpa. But her biological father, we just found out, was German/Russian!! Yes!

So, if Dad was 1/2 German, and Mom is 1/2 German, that would me ME 1/2 German (getting 1/4 from each)

10 years ago - all I really knew was Irish/Scottish and English. NOW I find I am really, really German!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wii fit - day 4

So - the Wii Fit. It hurts me. It has this boxing thing on it, and yesterday was the first day I as able to use that particular workout. I boxed and had a great time.
This morning my arms hurt - they hurt like OW! I couldn't figure out what was the deal - then I got on the Wii this morning, got on the boxing and figured it out quickly.

Oh, and I have lost 1.3 pounds!! In the next couple days, I'll let you all in on the numbers. :)


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wii got Wii fit!!!

I finally made my mind up and got a wii fit. Everyone talks about how much fun they are and it seems to work - so I thought, "Hey - I want that."

Well after the initial fitness test (weight, height, BMI,) and it informing me that I am not only fat, but am old too, I found myself having a load of fun.

First I went skiing, then hit soccor balls, then hula hooping, after that a short run and some yoga - I really felt worked out.

Great fun folks